How to use?

How to use?

How to Use Ear Candles Safely and Effectively

Welcome to our “How to Use” guide for ear candles! Ear candles are a natural and holistic approach to ear care, and using them correctly is important to ensure a safe and effective experience. Please read the following steps carefully before using ear candles.

1. Gather Your Supplies:

Before you begin, make sure you have the following supplies ready:

  • Ear Candles: Choose high-quality ear candles from our collection.
  • Protective Disc: A protective disc or plate to catch any debris.
  • Lighter or Matches: To light the top end of the ear candle.
  • Mirror: Use a mirror to help guide the ear candle during insertion.

2. Find a Comfortable Space:

Choose a quiet and comfortable space where you can relax during the process. Having a friend or family member to assist you can be helpful.

3. Prepare for the Session:

  • Trim the ear candle’s wick to about 1 inch to ensure a steady burn.
  • Lie on your side with your head on a pillow, ensuring your ear is facing upward.
  • Place the protective disc around the ear candle’s small end to catch any debris.

4. Lighting the Ear Candle:

  • Hold the ear candle by the unburned, thicker end.
  • Light the opposite, thinner end with a lighter or match until a gentle flame appears.
  • Gently blow out the flame once it’s about 3-4 inches from the ear.

5. Inserting the Ear Candle:

  • Insert the non-burning end of the ear candle into the ear canal while keeping a gentle, steady pressure.
  • The ear candle should fit snugly but not tightly. Do not force it.
  • Make sure the ear candle is held vertically to ensure proper airflow.

6. The Burning Process:

  • As the ear candle burns down, you may hear a crackling sound. This is normal.
  • A warm and soothing sensation may be felt in the ear during the session.

7. Removing and Extinguishing the Ear Candle:

  • Once the ear candle has burned down to about 4 inches from the protective disc, gently remove it from the ear.
  • Extinguish the ear candle by placing it in a container of water.

8. Repeat for the Other Ear:

  • If desired, repeat the process on the other ear, using a new ear candle.

9. Aftercare:

  • It’s normal to feel a sense of relaxation after the session.
  • Use a cotton swab to clean any residue from the ear.
  • Do not use ear candles more frequently than recommended (usually once every 1-2 weeks).

10. Caution:

  • Never use ear candles alone; always have someone assist you.
  • Do not use ear candles if you have ear infections, perforated eardrums, or any other ear conditions.
  • If you experience discomfort or pain during the session, stop immediately.

11. Seek Professional Advice:

If you have any concerns about ear health, it’s always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional before using ear candles.

By following these steps, you can enjoy the benefits of ear candles safely and effectively. Remember that everyone’s experience may vary, and if you’re new to ear candling, it’s a good idea to start with professional guidance. Thank you for choosing for your holistic ear care needs!